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7Days Tour(Chengdu-Tibet/Lhasa-Chengde)

更新時間:2019-08-01 17:07:00   點擊211422  來源:四川國旅

Expedition to the Roof of the World





Day 01 Chengdu to Lhasa

Upon arrival, our guide will greet you outside the baggage claim area of the airport and transfer you to check in the hotel. Upon arrival, you may feel a little bit uncomfortable at 3,650 meters high altitude. It is suggested that you avoid strenuous activities and have a good rest at the hotel today.
Meals: No meals

Accommodation: Gang-gyan Lhasa Hotel


Day 02 Lhasa

Today, you will firstly go to visit the Drepung Monastery in the west of the city. Constructed in 1416, it has been the largest Tibetan Buddhist Monastery with seven splendid palaces and over 10,000 monks. During the Shoton Festival around every August, hundreds of thousands of disciples and travelers will assemble here to worship the 40-meter-long and 37-meter-wide Buddha painting which is to be gradually unfurled on the back mountain. In the afternoon, you are going to the Sera Monastery, another greatest monastery of Gelugpa in Tibet. Finally, you could enjoy a quiet time in the charming Norbulingka Park. Originally one of the political centers of Tibet, it is now the largest and most beautiful man-made park opened to public.
Meals: Western buffet breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Gang-gyan Lhasa Hotel


Day 03 Lhasa

As the landmark of the city, the Potala Palace does deserve your visiting this morning. Looking like a red and white castle on the mountain, the Potala Palace has played a vital role in polity and religion of the area during the 1,300 years since constructed. After lunch, there is a visit to the Jokhang Temple, Gyangjian Tangka Art Gallery and the Barkhor Street around the temple. Enjoying the same fame with Potala, Jokhang Temple is the spiritual center of Tibet, attracting a great number of worshipers every day. Affiliated to the temple, the Barkhor Street which keeps its ancient appearance has been a prosperous commercial area both for locals and travelers. The last destination today is Tibetan Traditional Medicine Hospital, where you will get familiar with the history, treatment and appliance of Tibetan medicine.

Meals: Western buffet breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Gang-gyan Lhasa Hotel


Day 04 Lhasa - Gyangtse

After breakfast, we will drive you southwards to Gyangtse which is located about 230 kilometers from Lhasa. On the way, you will drop in at the Yamdrok Yumtso Lake, which is one of the three sacred lakes in Tibet and located 4,441 meters above sea level. The crystal and quiet lake under pure sky is praised to be a graceful beauty in the arm of the magnificent Himalayas. After arriving in Gyangtse and checking in the hotel, you will go to visit the Palkhor Monastery and explore the unsophisticated Gyangtse Old Street. In the Palkhor Monastery, you could see a huge Tibetan tower which consists of hundreds of halls in layers and houses 10,000 Buddha figures.
Meals: Western buffet breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Gyangtse Hotel


Day 05 Gyangtse - Shigatse

Today, your trip will be continued to Shigatse, the second largest city of Tibet. After checking in the hotel, you will head for the grand Tashilunpo Monastery on mountain. With red wall and golden roof, this luxury monastery has been the political center in the region of back Tibet. To the south of the monastery, there is the New Palace of Panchen which was constructed in 1954 to be a summer resort. Combining the traditional and modern architectural style, the palace exhibits many historical relics, artworks and murals.
Meals: Western buffet breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Shigatse Hotel


Day 06 Shigatse - Lhasa

The road condition from Shigatse back to Lhasa is not bad. Again, you could have a glance at those scenic villages, mountains and streams en route. Please ease yourself during this 400-kilometer's driving.

Meals: Western buffet breakfast, Lunch

Accommodation: Gang-gyan Lhasa Hotel


Day 07 Lhasa – Chengdu

If time permits, you will visit a family to experience the local's daily life. After that, our guide will transfer you to the airport for your flight to Beijing and transit for the homeward flight. Wish you a pleasant trip home!

Meals: Western buffet breakfast












2019 WPFG official Agency

Sicilian China International Travel Service, Co., Ltd.     



Ms.Bella,English Market Manager







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